Upcoming Events
February 22--Squirrel hunt at Deer Camp
Welcome to the Bald Knob Church of God Worship Center website! We are located at 1203 North Hickory (the corner of Hickory and Stewards Loop) in Bald Knob, Arkansas. We are a church, "Caring for People and Changing a City". We welcome you to check us out and worship with us! Learn more about us by viewing our website, and if you have any questions please call us. Pastor Smithson's cell phone may be the best way to reach us, and it is 501-230-7908.
When you visit this site, please email us to let us know you were here, and also let us know if you are listening to any of the messages. Thank you.
Lead Pastors Richard & Judy Smithson
For the rest of our staff click here
Service Times
Sunday School @ 9:30 am
Sunday Morning Worship @ 10:30 am
Sunday Evening Service @ 6:00 pm
Wednesday Fellowship meal @ 6:00 p.m.
Wednesday Evening Bible Study @ 6:45 pm
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Earlier this year at our Wednesday evening studies Philip Smithson taught from the book, "The Blessed Life" by Robert Morris. Our lessons dealt with the 'Simple Secret of Achieving Guaranteed Financial Results' as presented by Robert Morris in his book. You can view all the lessons HERE
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Site Mailing List
Bald Knob Church of God
Pastor Richard Smithson
1203 N Hickory Street
PO Box 578
Bald Knob, Arkansas 72010
Email: sheperd@centurylink.net
Phones: Church 501-230-7908
Pastor: Home 501-230-7908 Cell 501-230-7908